Knowledge Management for Biodiversity Concept and Approach

Implementation Strategy and Approach
A: KM4B Challenges
The Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) Initiative will consist of a series of KM Challenges to, inter alia, review the biodiversity KM landscape, identify KM gaps and key challenges linked to biodiversity, share experiences and lessons learned, and jointly develop solutions. The Challenges will re-enforce the other components of the KM4B Initiative, including the human resources and institutional capacities of the Parties, mechanisms for knowledge generation, organization, exchange and use; and the KM4B communities of practice.
The first KM4B Challenge will be launched by the Secretariat in collaboration with K4DP and other partners in the first quarter of 2023 (see Annex). Subsequent challenges will be organized by the Parties with the support of various partners.
B: KM4B Capacity Development

The Secretariat in collaboration with partners, will implement various activities to strengthen human resources and institutional capacities of Parties and relevant stakeholders in knowledge management, including organization of learning courses, webinars and couching sessions; production and dissemination of learning and guidance materials (including e-learning modules, practitioners’ guides and FAQs); facilitating the collection and sharing of case studies of success stories; organization of exchange study visits; as well as strengthening institutional capacity for the establishment and implementation of national CHMs, elaboration or strengthening of national biodiversity KM policies and facilitation of access to existing KM expert networks and technical assistance providers that can advise and support government institutions to develop their capacities.
C. KM4B Awareness-raising and Change Management

The Secretariat in collaboration with partners will implement activities to promote awareness and foster change in attitudes, behaviours and organizational culture to encourage and foster open sharing of biodiversity-related information and knowledge among policymakers, planners, practitioners, and other actors who translate knowledge into action. Different methods and channels will be used, including social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram), press releases, CBD website, national CHM websites, as well as websites of partner organizations. The Secretariat will also promote and facilitate active engagement and collaboration among, government institutions, academic and research institutions, biodiversity experts and practitioners, indigenous peoples and local communities, and other key stakeholders.
D: KM4B Networks and Communities of Practice

The Secretariat and partner organizations will identify, map and publicize existing biodiversity related KM initiatives, networks and communities of practice, and where possible, facilitate the development of new ones to enable the sharing of experiences and best practices, peer to peer learning, and collaboration among key stakeholders. The Secretariat will also promote mechanisms to facilitate communication and collaboration among those, initiatives, networks, and communities of practice.
E: Synergies and Collaboration among KM4B initiatives

Through the initiative, the Secretariat will seek to promote and facilitate collaboration with biodiversity-related KM initiatives and institutions at global, regional and national levels, including GKSSB, UNEP-WCMC, UNEP WESR, InforMEA, GBIF, UN Biodiversity Lab, IUCN-PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet, and others, with a view to enhancing synergies and complementarity, facilitating interoperability and increasing the discoverability, accessibility and sharing of available biodiversity data, information and knowledge and foster mutual learning and innovation.