Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) Initiative

The KM4B Initiative is a CBD Secretariat-led programme aimed at strengthening national capacities in knowledge management to support evidence-based biodiversity planning, policy and decision-making, implementation as well as monitoring and reporting of progress towards the achievement of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) goals and targets. This is done through various activities, including organization of KM4B webinars, training sessions, challenges (problem-solving workshops) and strengthening of KM4B networks and communities of practice.

About the Initiative

News and Events


5th Sep 2023

The KM4B webinar series kickstarted on 5 September, 2023, with a focus on unlocking the power of knowledge to support the implementation of the GBF. It included two presentations, one on knowledge management under the Convention and its Protocols and another on how to leverage KM for GBF and SDGs. It was attended by over 150 participants from 56 countries.

Discussion Forum on 1st Webinar

12th Sep 2023

The second webinar was centered on the topic - Scaling up KM to achieve the GBF goals and targets. It had presentations on : the envisaged role of the Global Knowledge Support Service for Biodiversity (GKSSB) and experiences and lessons learned from KM for agriculture development in Africa (KM4AgD). The session was attended by over 130 participants.

Discussion forum on 2nd Webinar

19th Sep 2023

The third webinar continued the theme of Scaling up KM to achieve the GBF goals and target with focus on regional initiatives. It had presentations from BIOPAMA and ASEAN Center of Biodiversity highlighting the KM centric initiatives and strategies at regional levels.

Discussion forum on 3rd Webinar

26th Sep 2023

The fourth webinar was based on theme of implementing KM in policy and practice. Mr. Peter J. Dery, national focal point of Ghana and Mr. Han De Koeijer, national CHM focal point of Belgium, shared their insights on the way KM has been integrated in their respective national biodiversity strategies and action plans

Discussion forum on 4th webinar

3rd October 2023

The fifth webinar focused on the theme of KM in biodiversity project management. KM experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) shared experiences and lessons learned in leveraging KM for successful project management.

10th October 2023

The sixth webinar explored the theme of leveraging KM for conservation and restoration successes. The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) shared its experience in mobilizing and deploying information and knowledge for planning, evidence-based decision making and mainstreaming biodiversity.

24th October 2023

The seventh webinar explored the role of knowledge networks and communities of practices in facilitating effective knowledge management for biodiversity. Experts from the Asia Pacific and the European Biodiversity Observation Networks (APBON and EuropaBON) demonstrated how members of the two networks are sharing biodiversity knowledge in their respective regions.

31st October 2023
21st November 2023
28th November 2023

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