Knowledge management for biodiversity (KM4B) webinar series
Coming next
This first series has come to an end on 5th December 2023. We are planning to run another series of webinars in 2024. Please fill the form if you want to be notified about the next series schedule.
Full programme
Webinar 1 | |
Date | 5 September 2023 |
Theme | Unlocking the power of knowledge to support implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework |
Presentation 1 | Introduction to knowledge management under the Convention and its Protocols: Target 21 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Knowledge Management for Biodiversity Initiative Presenter: Erie Tamale, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity |
Presentation 2![]() | Leveraging knowledge management to support the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework goals and targets and the Sustainable Development Goals Presenter: Andreas Brandner, Knowledge for Development Partnership |
Recording | https://youtu.be/Ff7hPz9LUt0 |
Summary | The webinar was hosted by the CBD Secretariat. On behalf of the Acting Executive Secretary, Mr. Erie Tamale, Head of the Capacity Building and Knowledge Management Unit, welcomed the participants and thanked K4DP and other partners for accepting to collaborate with the Secretariat in delivering the first KM4B webinar series. He hailed the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) as a major milestone but noted that its real significance will depend on how effectively it is implemented and monitored successfully to achieve its ambitious goals and targets. He urged Parties to initiate concrete biodiversity actions and ensure that the best available data, information and knowledge are easily accessible to decision makers, practitioners and the public. Mr. Tamale then delivered the first presentation in which he introduced KM under the CBD and its protocols, including Target 21 of the GBF, outlined some of the existing KM tools and initiatives and described the core elements of the draft knowledge management component of the GBF currently being re-developed as per COP decision 15/16. He also described the Knowledge Management for Biodiversity (KM4B) initiative which aims to develop national capacities in KM to support evidence-based biodiversity planning, policy and decision-making, implementation as well as monitoring and reporting of progress towards the achievement of the GBF goals and targets. The initiative will facilitate the organization of KM4B Challenges to enable Parties to analyse their KM needs and challenges, co-create solutions and develop national KM strategies; catalyze activities to strengthen the Parties' human resources and institutional capacities in KM, foster a culture of open sharing of knowledge, and promote and strengthen KM4B networks and communities of practice. Prof. Andreas Brandner from the Knowledge for Development Partnership (K4DP) delivered the second presentation on leveraging KM to support implementation of the GBF goals and targets and the SDGS. He emphasized the need for KM to be systematic and the various steps of identifying, acquiring, creating, sharing, applying, capturing, and auditing knowledge. He noted that while global initiatives are important, national and local KM strategies are critical to finding concrete localized solutions. He also highlighted the importance of adopting a multi-stakeholder approach to KM, bringing together governments, academia, NGOs, businesses, IPLCs and the public. He noted that collaboration and co-creation can help to develop a joint knowledge agenda for biodiversity. |
Q and A | There was a question regarding the difference between data, information and knowledge. The presenters explained the hierarchy - data are the raw observations, facts and unprocessed figures; information is organized, structured, processed and contextualized data; while knowledge is information that is synthesized and transformed through cognitive processing into ideas, insights, know-how; and wisdom relates to human intuition and insight based on repeated application of knowledge and may ultimately be codified into beliefs, traditions, philosophies and principles. Another question was whether KM strategies could be incorporated into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) rather than establishing them as standalone strategies. The presenters responded that incorporating KM in NBSAPs is advisable, but they also noted that developing detailed standalone KM strategies may be useful, as NBSAPs are generally broad policy documents that may not provide enough operational detail. There was also a question on how to engage diverse stakeholders and IPLCs in knowledge management. The responses emphasized the principles of knowledge co-creation, knowledge inclusion especially for marginalized groups, and respect for the rights of IPLCs and their prior informed consent before traditional knowledge is accessed. IPLCs should be active contributors to KM4B, and not just have their knowledge extracted, without their consent. One participant asked about developing metadata standards and knowledge graphs to connect information from diverse sources. The presenters agreed that it is critical for people to find and interpret information across languages, knowledge platforms, and different terminologies. Several questions and comments focused on the need for developing national capacity on knowledge management, especially for the national focal points and practitioners. Suggestions included organizing dedicated trainings, on-job learning and certification programmes to enhance the KM skills of managers. Overall, the Q&A session was very lively, which demonstrated the participants' interest in practical implementation of KM at various levels. The presenters provided good insights on stakeholder engagement, capacity building, metadata standards and translation of KM principles into action. |
Webinar 2 | |
Date | 12 September 2023 |
Theme | Scaling up knowledge management to achieve the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (part 1: global initiatives) |
Presentation 1 (part 1) ![]() (part 2) ![]() | Supporting and enhancing biodiversity knowledge management efforts: the envisaged role of the Global Knowledge Support Service for Biodiversity Presenters: Natasha Ali, Senior Programme Officer, UNEP-WCMC and Grégoire Dubois, Project Leader, EC Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity. |
Presentation 2 | Leveraging experiences and lessons learned from knowledge management for agriculture development in Africa Presenter: Benjamin Abugri, KM Manager, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa |
Recording | https://youtu.be/sFcqNSTsNvA |
Summary | The second webinar include three presentations. The first presentation described the role of the Global Knowledge Support Service for Biodiversity (GKSSB) in supporting and enhancing biodiversity knowledge management efforts . The GKSSB aims to support countries in implementing and monitoring the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. It will adopt a federated and non-duplicative approach, building on existing initiatives. The GKSSB includes the following core components: 1. Strengthening national capacity for biodiversity data, information and knowledge management (including capacity to collect, curate, validate and share information and knowledge; to upgrade national information systems, and to use data and information for planning, policy and decision making, implementation and monitoring and reporting of progress); 2. Facilitating technology transfer and digital transformation to increase the Parties’ digital readiness, facilitate partnerships with technology and data providers to support NBSAPs and GBF implementation, and enable peer-to-peer support and replication of good practice; 3. Enabling Parties and stakeholders to strengthen knowledge governance, including policies and data standards to improve information sharing and interoperability; 4. Facilitating a biodiversity knowledge hub to increase accessibility to available knowledge resources from various sources to support NBSAPS & GBF implementation - complementing and connecting existing resources and initiatives; directing users to existing resources, knowledge, initiatives and expertise; creating efficiencies in data aggregation and tracking of progress; streamlining workflows and enhancing transparency; and 5. Mobilizing sustainable financing for biodiversity data and knowledge. The GKSSB will connect and enhance visibility of networks like the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership that produce data to inform the Framework. Its governing body will comprise national, regional and global institutions. UN agencies would provide coordination support. The second presentation highlighted the lessons learned from knowledge management for agricultural development in Africa (KM4AgD) spearheaded by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), including through platforms such as the Observatory for African Agriculture. FARA developed a knowledge management framework and has to date organised three regional KM Challenges to build KM capacity in African countries. The challenges facilitate training, sharing of best practices, and co-creating solutions to common agricultural knowledge gaps. Some of the main outcomes of the KM Challenges include national KM strategies, certified knowledge managers, communities of practice, and public-private partnerships. The key lessons learned so far include the need for multi-stakeholder collaboration, strategically positioning knowledge management, and engaging national focal points. |
Q and A | The lively Q&A session covered various topics including stakeholder participation, indigenous knowledge, metadata standards, and national coordination mechanisms: • Stakeholder participation and capacity building: Questions focused on how to ensure that the knowledge support initiatives engage the broad diversity of stakeholders and groups working on biodiversity issues. Suggestions included tailored regional support, a federated system, and matchmaking mechanisms to connect countries with relevant experts and resources. • Indigenous knowledge: Panelists emphasized the vital role of regional hubs in capturing and integrating indigenous knowledge, adhering to the CARE principles for Indigenous Data Governance (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility and Ethics) that guide appropriate use and reuse of Indigenous data. Global coordination can help in consolidating and sharing of best practices in this challenging area. • Metadata standards: Participants asked about how metadata frameworks and knowledge graphs could be developed to enhance interoperability, considering linguistic and conceptual differences. Speakers agreed that common standards are critical for people to find, interpret and reuse information across knowledge platforms. • National coordination: Questions highlighted the need for country-level focal points and systems to coordinate biodiversity knowledge efforts. Panelists said engaging and building capacity of national coordinators improves discovery, sharing, and overall knowledge management. • Sustainable financing: Concerns were raised about common cases where KM activities stall when projects end. Suggestions included ongoing resourcing for national systems, pooling donor funding, and emphasizing sustainability. • Multi-sectoral approach: Participants emphasized importance of linkages across biodiversity, climate, agriculture etc. Knowledge management should align goals of different groups (government, business, communities). The discussion revealed the practical importance of knowledge management for biodiversity and highlighted key action points and areas for urgent attention. |
Webinar 3 | |
Date | 19 September 2023 |
Theme | Scaling up knowledge management to achieve the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (part 2: regional initiatives) |
Presentation 1 | Leveraging experience and lessons learned from existing knowledge management initiatives: examples from Regional Observatories for Protected Areas and Biodiversity under the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme Presenter: Trevor Sandwith, Director, IUCN Centre for Conservation Action |
Presentation 2 | Leveraging experiences and lessons learned from the ASEAN Center for Biodiversity knowledge management programme Presenter: Renée Lorica, Knowledge Management Specialist, ASEAN Center for Biodiversity |
Summary | The third webinar focused on the theme: "Scaling up knowledge management (KM) to achieve goals and targets of GBF". The first presentation highlighted the experiences and lessons learned from the five BIOPAMA Regional Observatories for Protected Areas and Biodiversity. BIOPAMA aims to improve conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Key points: • BIOPAMA has established regional observatories as knowledge hubs in the Caribbean, Central Africa, East and Southern Africa, West Africa and the Pacific to support decision making on biodiversity at national and regional levels. They support data collection, analysis, monitoring and reporting; develop the capacities of local actors (staff and organisations) to manage this information; and provide policy guidance for better planning and decision making on biodiversity. • Over 2,000 protected area professionals have been trained and communities of practice have been established. • BIOPAMA is providing tools, such as the Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool (IMET), to respond to specific requests in data collection, information management, governance assessments and others. The observatories also use tools like the PANORAMA platform to share best practices and lessons learned from projects implemented through their grant-making facility. • The observatories also play a key role in connecting local knowledge generated through projects to national and global policy making. The second presentation outlined the knowledge tools and services offered by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) through its KM programme. ACB facilitates cooperation on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use among ASEAN member states. Key points: • ACB has adopted a KM plan to institutionalize their KM work, guided by regional strategic priorities. • ACB’s knowledge tools and services include: ASEAN Clearing House Mechanism, the ASEAN Biodiversity Dashboard, the KM Platform, the ASEAN Biodiversity Outlook reports, policy briefs, data factsheets, journal articles, e-learning modules, capacity building workshops and webinars. • ACB engages experts from ASEAN countries through the Scientific Advisory Committee to ensure quality and credibility of knowledge products. |
Q and A | There was an extensive Q&A session which included discussions around issues such as how the regional centres such as the BIOPAMA regional observatories and ACB can support countries in implementing elements related to knowledge management in their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). Other topics discussed included: mechanisms for enabling indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) to connect with each other and with scientists; and the importance of bringing people together for peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange. Some concerns were raised regarding the term "knowledge management" and its implications with respect to indigenous knowledge. Further consultations will be needed on this issue. |
Webinar 4 | |
Date | 26 September 2023 |
Theme | From theory to action: implementing knowledge management for biodiversity on the ground |
Presentations | Experiences and lessons learned in integrating knowledge management into national biodiversity strategies and action plans Presenter: Peter J. Dery, Convention on Biological Diversity national focal point for Ghana and Han De Koeijer, clearing-house mechanism national focal point for Belgium |
Summary | The webinar brought together over 90 biodiversity experts from countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, and beyond to share experiences and facilitate knowledge exchange on integrating knowledge management into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). After introductions, detailed presentations were made by speakers from Ghana and Belgium. The first presenter, Mr. Peter Dery, CBD Primary National Focal Point of Ghana, discussed at length their extensive process in reviewing and updating their NBSAP to fully integrate biodiversity targets into national development planning frameworks. They took a very participatory approach involving substantial partners through committees, technical working groups, workshops and consultations with local communities, experts from various government agencies, civil society organizations, researchers and other stakeholders across different sectors. Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation mechanisms were established as an important component to track progress on NBSAPs’ implementation. They also established communities of practice which bring great contributions to the conclusion of the process. Among the lessons they have learnt over the years are the following: (i) data should always be available to decision makers; (i) need for strengthened communication and collaboration among the institutions; (iii) always take into account Traditional Knowledge issues, especially sacred sites; (iv) development of legislations on genetic resources; (v) importance of involving the 3 pillars of KM, i.e., people, technology and process. Mr. Dery concluded his presentation by highlighting the importance of supporting the generation, capture, management and use of biodiversity related data, information and knowledge. He thinks that global data providers such as UNEP-WCMC, inforMEA, DaRT and UN Biodiversity Lab need to support national stakeholders and national statistical systems. The second speaker, Han de Koeijer, CHM National Focal Point of Belgium, explained in depth their innovative 'Biodiversity Barometer' digital tool to monitor progress on biodiversity commitments by aggregating data from various sources into interactive dashboards. In the case of Belgium, they have to compile information from the Federal State and the regions, which themselves have subregions, that compose the kingdom. He emphasized the critical need for standardized and interoperable biodiversity data and development of a comprehensive national biodiversity data strategy and policies. Their NBSAP update process also took a highly participatory approach with diverse stakeholders through workshops, expert consultations, and public surveys. He presented the Belgian Biodiversity strategy 2020, with its 15 priority strategic objectives, as well as its 85 operational objectives, which is closely linked to the AICHI Targets and the Global Biodiversity Strategy and the EU Biodiversity Strategy. Q and A Several insightful questions were raised during the extensive panel discussion. Attendees were highly interested in the specific mechanisms and institutional arrangements being used for developing national biodiversity targets and indicators and mobilizing data/information from different sources. There was substantial discussion around leveraging new technologies like data mining, knowledge tagging and artificial intelligence to significantly improve biodiversity knowledge management. Detailed policies and standards for effectively managing national biodiversity data and information were discussed in depth. The presenters shared extensively how they involved a wide range of stakeholders like government agencies, academic/research institutions, civil society organizations and local/indigenous communities throughout their NBSAP review and update process through committees, workshops and public consultations. There was much appreciation expressed for the in-depth opportunity to learn from those two countries’ experiences and approaches to fully integrate knowledge management into biodiversity planning. The webinar enabled meaningful and extensive knowledge exchange among Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as other stakeholders, working to update their NBSAPs. |
Webinar 5 | |
Date | 3 October 2023 |
Theme | Knowledge Management in biodiversity project management |
Presentation 1 | How can Knowledge Management contribute to building resilient biodiversity and agrifood systems - the experience of KORE Presenters: Frédérique Matras, Charlotte Masselot, Natalie Bwalya , Knowledge Platform for Emergencies and Resilience, FAO |
Presentation 2 | Leveraging KM and lessons learned to boost quality and innovations at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) portfolio: Key example of Biodiversity Presenters: Marie-Aude Even, Mahoussi Assocle, Maria Elena Mangiafico, IFAD |
Summary | The webinar focused on knowledge management in biodiversity project management, with presentations from two organizations - the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The FAO team presented their Knowledge Platform for Emergencies and Resilience (KORE), which acts as a knowledge broker and helps embed knowledge processes across FAO operations. They outlined a 5-pillar knowledge management framework: 1) Identifying knowledge priorities, 2) Generating knowledge/learning, 3) Capturing knowledge, 4) Sharing knowledge, and 5) Using knowledge. KORE supports implementation of country-level 'learning agendas' to systematically identify learning priorities, sources of information, generate new learning, develop products to address priorities, and ensure learning is used. Presenters introduced the pillars of FAO’s knowledge framework. The first one is about framing and identification of knowledge; it allows to identify the scope, objectives and learning priorities. The second pillar is knowledge generation; the qualitative and quantitative aspects of available information should be taken into account at this stage, it will also allow to see what is missing and what are the potential sources of information. The third pillar is about capturing knowledge, it allows us to explain various details; it is a good way to observe what best captures and promotes experiences and learnings. The fourth one is dissemination; it allows to consider who is the audience and how to best reach that audience. The fifth pillar is the Uptake, it fosters the use and operationalization of evidence-based knowledge; it creates the link between the knowledge served and the needs of programmes and policies. The global agrifood system is a great driver of biodiversity loss and climate change, therefore it is very important to share KM knowledge that can help address these challenges. A multi-risks management approach will help understand the impact of biodiversity loss on food security and nutrition; they should be addressed through a resilient lens with a focus on environmentally vulnerable and fragile ecosystems. Supporting the transfer of knowledge on biodiversity in a local and context-specific way can harness solutions for the agrifood system and prevent food crisis. The IFAD team explained how knowledge management is critical for integrating biodiversity considerations across their programming and investments. KM plays a very important role in IFAD’s work has it has strong targets to respect in relation to gender, nutrition, youth participation, climate change and nature-based solution. Challenges include limited understanding of biodiversity's importance and lack of evidence demonstrating biodiversity's links to other development targets like climate resilience and nutrition. IFAD's knowledge management approach focuses on: leveraging internal/external knowledge for evidence-based solutions; engaging staff knowledge; and articulating how actions address constraints to achieve impact. Knowledge management supports capacity building, policy engagement, project design and implementation, and is integrated across the project cycle. IFAD presented biodiversity knowledge management tools like their community of practice, repository, and partnerships to share lessons learned. Presenters highlighted the fact that 70% of their projects have to be biodiversity sensitive and IFAD biodiversity strategy is being aligned with the GBF targets. Knowledge is at the heart of IFAD biodiversity strategy. They also presented the challenges IFAD faces such as lack of understanding, insufficient incentive and budget as well as insufficient follow-up. On a brighter side they talked on the rising evidence on biodiversity benefits, policy engagement and additional financial contributions. KM is part of the whole process from design to implementation. The key features of IFAD’s KM strategy are the followings: (i) Leverage internal and external knowledge to deliver high quality, evidence-based solutions; (ii) Place people and their knowledge at the core; (iii) A theory of change that articulates how actions address the underlying constraints and how they are expected to achieve impacts. In the discussion, presenters emphasized most of their knowledge resources are publicly available. Recommendations included using surveys, testimonials and data to document how local practices impact farmers' lives, which helps expand adoption. Networking and engaging in platforms to interact with others was also advised. Overall, the webinar illustrated how strategic knowledge management processes, embedded across operations and programs, can help document, evaluate and expand the use of effective biodiversity practices. |
Webinar 6 | |
Date | 10 October 2023 |
Theme | Knowledge management for conservation and restoration success (session 1) |
Presentation | Mobilizing and deploying the best available information and knowledge for evidence-based national biodiversity decision-making Presenter: Deshni Pillay, Fulufhelo Mukhadi and Tammy Smith, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) |
Summary | The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) has over 20 years of experience in developing a systematic, collaborative approach to biodiversity knowledge management. Their presentation highlighted that effective knowledge management requires equal focus on people, products and processes. On the 'people' aspect, SANBI underscored the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration – between government agencies, NGOs, communities, researchers, and other players. This covers the entire cycle - from biodiversity data collection, developing information products, to mainstreaming into sectoral policies and decisions. SANBI develops various biodiversity databases, maps, assessments, monitoring frameworks and other products to inform planning and decisions. Key products include National Biodiversity Assessments conducted in 2004,2011, 2018 and the next one in 2025. The Biodiversity Advisor data platform provides essential information on spatial maps of priority areas like Strategic Water Source Areas, environmental screening tools for development applications, and biodiversity indicators for monitoring. The ‘process’ aspect involves comprehensive protocols for regular biodiversity assessments, extensive stakeholder engagement all through the process, developing tailored products, and hands-on mainstreaming support to integrate biodiversity considerations into sectors like agriculture, mining, infrastructure, disaster management and municipal planning. Some elements of SANBI's knowledge management approach are: - National biodiversity assessments held every 5 years, involving 500+ contributors from government, research bodies, NGOs etc. - Developing reports like ecosystem accounts, species/ecosystem red list assessments as per IUCN guidelines. - Mainstreaming into land use planning, EIAs, protected areas expansion etc. through training, workshops, identifying ‘champions’. - Piloting techniques like ecosystem accounts for natural capital valuation which provided policy advice. - Making the biodiversity loss concept understood, thus the need to create the link with sustainable development, changing it from the fears of loss to hope of gain; a good way of changing the narrative not to compete with other priorities of a developing country. -Communicating the message to a broad audience in different framing by communicating the importance of biodiversity for people and nature, making sure that practical tools for actions are available. - Biodiversity data platforms, headline indicators, and monitoring frameworks. At the regional level, SANBI partners with organizations on projects to build capacity for biodiversity informatics, spatial mapping, and mainstreaming in African countries. This is done through peer learning exchanges, hands-on training of government stakeholders, demonstrating biodiversity knowledge applications for decision making, and targeted knowledge products. Key lessons shared by SANBI: - Invest in developing national level data sets and applications tailored for policymaking. - Facilitate hands-on peer learning between countries through exchanges. - Package biodiversity information for easy access and use by decision makers and planners. In summary, SANBI’s extensive presentation provided insights into their systematic, collaborative approach for biodiversity knowledge management over decades. Their experience highlights the importance of engaging people, developing practical knowledge products, and facilitating mainstreaming processes to effectively inform conservation policies and decisions. |
Webinar 7 | |
Date | 24 October 2023 |
Theme | Knowledge management for conservation and restoration success (session 2) |
Presentation | Role of biodiversity knowledge networks and communities of practice in facilitating effective knowledge management Presenters: Hiroyuki Muraoka, Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network and Henrique Miguel Pereira, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research |
Summary | Summary of the key points made by experts from the Asia Pacific and the European Biodiversity Observation Networks (APBON and EuropaBON) demonstrated how members of the two networks are sharing biodiversity knowledge in their respective regions. Mr. Hiroyuki Muraoka from the Asia Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (APBON) presented on APBON's activities and outcomes over the past 10+ years. APBON's mission is to contribute to biodiversity conservation decision-making through scientific data sharing. Key activities include monitoring biodiversity changes, mobilizing existing data, building capacity, and networking. APBON has contributors from many Asia Pacific countries and partners like the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity. Examples of collaborative research shared included mapping tropical trees and ecosystems, assessing threats to bats and mammals, evaluating fish diversity impacts from dams, and developing biodiversity databases. Knowledge sharing is done through the APBON website, workshops, webinars, and publications. APBON is trying to identify data/knowledge gaps and design aligned observations. The region has very high terrestrial, freshwater, costal and marine biodiversity, however its loss is also progressing. Challenges discussed included need for interdisciplinary research, open science, and stakeholder engagement. The second speaker, Mr. Henrique Pereira, from the German Centre for Integrated Biodiversity Research, (iDiv) presented on the work of iDiv and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON). He provided a background on the history of CBD targets and the reasons for persistent biodiversity decline globally. He also highlighted five of the reasons that prevented us from reaching the previous targets, i.e., insufficient policy alignment, funding, data integration, and review mechanisms. Key biodiversity research topics at iDiv were shared, including values, restoration, scenarios, and monitoring. The EuropaBON project for designing an EU biodiversity monitoring framework was introduced, using Essential Biodiversity Variables that integrate data sources. They are on very good track to realize it as two committees of the European Parliament have already approved the pilot project starting next year. Its user needs assessments, variable selection, and implementation design have been done. An EU biodiversity monitoring centre is proposed to coordinate efforts. Examples like biodiversity forecasting models showcased potential uses of improved monitoring data and will lead to conservation and restoration successes. In the discussion that followed, challenges of human-wildlife coexistence and engaging policy makers were raised. The importance of regional cooperation and networks to build local/national capacity was emphasized. Clarification was provided on joining national/regional BONs. The role of BONs in supporting national Clearing-House Mechanisms under CBD was also discussed. Overall, the webinar illustrated knowledge management strategies used by regional/global biodiversity networks and ongoing efforts to improve data availability for decision-making. |
Webinar 8 | |
Date | 31 October 2023 |
Theme | Continuous learning through knowledge management: transforming biodiversity management institutions into learning organizations |
Presentations | Integrating knowledge management in biodiversity governance: experiences and lessons learned Presenters: Ms. Maria Cecilia Londono, Senior Researcher, Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring Program, and Mr. Esteban Marentes, Content Administrator, Humboldt Institute, Colombia. Mr. Hesiquio Benitez, General Director of International Cooperation and Implementation, CONABIO, Mexico |
Summary | The webinar was an opportunity to learn from the experience of two other leading institutions on the dealing with “Continuous Learning Through Knowledge Management: Transforming Biodiversity Management Institutions into Learning Organizations". The speakers were Ms. María Cecilia Londoño Murcia and Mr. Esteban Marentes from the Humboldt Institute and SiB Colombia, and Mr. Hesiquio Benítez from the Commission for the knowledge and use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) of Mexico. The Humboldt Institute is an independent research institute in Colombia that mobilizes data, information, knowledge and narratives to position biodiversity and ecosystem services. It coordinates research to implement the knowledge-to-action cycle for biodiversity conservation. The institute has 6 key missions to achieve biodiversity outcomes, including conservation of ecologically important areas, promoting biodiversity in landscapes used for agriculture and infrastructure, and resilient urban landscapes. SiB Colombia is the national biodiversity information system, a network of organizations and people sharing open access biodiversity data. CONABIO, on its side, gathers, generates and synthesizes information on the country's biodiversity to inform decision making. Presenters introduced how their institutions have integrated knowledge management into biodiversity governance. Common Key points are the following: - Knowledge coproduction should be guided by big national targets or missions to give research relevance and impact. The CBD's GBF targets can and should be adapted to national contexts. - Knowledge mobilization depends on data management, information delivery, and dedicated teams to transform data into informative products. - Information products should be developed through active knowledge networks and expert communities. - National biodiversity information systems like SiB Colombia provide primary data for knowledge products. But sharing data also depends on engaged people and networks. - Indicators are needed to measure private sector engagement with biodiversity data. But numbers of data sets published and companies involved can show progress. - Legal requirements help compel companies to share biodiversity data. But trust and demonstration of benefits also encourage voluntary participation. - Proactive collaboration with productive sectors is essential to mainstream biodiversity. But greenwashing risks must be avoided. - Bridging organizations like these institutes enable constructive multi-stakeholder dialogues on biodiversity data. In summary, the webinar highlighted the institutes' multi-pronged approaches to linking biodiversity research, data platforms, expert networks and policy targets. This enables continuous learning and evidence-based decision making on biodiversity governance. In conclusion, the fair principles for should make it findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. |
Webinar 9 | |
Theme | Leveraging cutting-edge technology for biodiversity knowledge management |
Presentation 1 | Using remote sensing to collect and visualize data for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity Presenters: to be announced |
Presentation 2 | Using artificial intelligence and other advanced digital technology for monitoring biodiversity Presenter: to be announced |
Webinar 10 | |
Date | 21 November 2023 |
Theme | Knowledge management to support national implementation, monitoring and reporting on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework |
Presentation 1 | Leveraging biodiversity data through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Presenter: Tim Hirsch, Deputy Director, GBIF |
Presentation 2 | Sharing knowledge on replicable success stories from practice through the PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet initiative Presenter: Marie Fischborn, Senior Manager - Knowledge Management, IUCN |
Webinar 11 | |
Date | 28 November 2023 |
Theme | Leveraging knowledge management lessons from the Sustainable Development Goals to strengthen integrated national implementation, monitoring and reporting on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework |
Presentation 1 | Harnessing interlinkages: Using knowledge graphs to capture connections across SDGs Presenter: Luis Gerardo Gonzalez Morales, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations (UN DESA) |
Presentation 2 | Embracing digital transformation to deliver the global biodiversity targets and the sustainable development goals Presenter: Reina Otsuka, Digital for Planet, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) |
Summary | The webinar organizers introduced the overall series and its exploration of the four knowledge management pillars of people, processes, technology and content over past sessions. Speakers were brought in from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to provide insights based on their experience advancing SDG knowledge management. The first presentation was made by UNDESA on the use of Knowledge Graphs to Capture Connections Across the SDGs. The presenter, Mr. Luis Gerardo Gonzalez Morales, presented Knowledge Graphs for SDG Connections. Mr. Gonzalez Morales showcased knowledge graphs as a way to map relationships across dispersed SDG data and enhance its discoverability and usability. He is leading the development of a new UN platform powered by an SDG data knowledge graph and natural language processing to allow users to query and analyze interconnected SDG data assets. The presentation slides demonstrated how to search information from the platform through data visualizations, and natural languages. Mr. Gonzalez Morales explained principles like leveraging collective intelligence while adhering to rigorous standards, and the importance of continuous effort to integrate and keep knowledge current. He highlighted various challenges including semantic content creation, taxonomies and ontologies, annotating resources, automation, monitoring flows, data validation checks and documentation for users and contributors. The second presentation, on Digital Transformation for Biodiversity, was made by Ms. Reina Otsuka and Ms. Di Zhang from UNDP. They discussed how embracing digital transformation can progress biodiversity conservation and SDGs based on UNDP experience harnessing technologies for development. There are incubating tools like: (I) The UN Biodiversity Lab – an open platform supporting GBF policymaking through global/national data and spatial analysis. (II) Data Futures Platform – to explore, visualize and share sustainability data. (III) Digital X Solutions Accelerator – databases of solutions leveraging digital technologies. And (IV)Learning for Nature e-courses – e-learning aligned to GBF targets. The presenters also provided a digital transformation framework used by UNDP to diagnose country readiness across pillars like connectivity, government capacity, regulation and economic factors. They emphasized principles of agile, user-centric design, and driving change when applying digital tools to development challenges. The discussions that followed touched on how to coordinate data and platforms amongst partners to make them more usable for countries. Additional comments covered data quality, incorporating CBD/GBF data, applicability of global scale data for local action, and enabling countries to validate and take ownership of data through robust national clearing house mechanisms. |
Webinar 12 | |
Date | 5 December 2023 (Last webinar of the first KM4B series) |
Theme | Bringing together conventional and traditional scientific knowledge for effective biodiversity management |
Presentation 1 | Indigenous knowledge systems Presenter: Dr. Yolanda Terán, Indigenous Women for Biodiversity Network in LAC region |
Presentation 2 | Indigenous data governance Presenter: KatieLee Riddle (Rongowhakaata), University of Waikato |
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.